Occupational Therapy Website

The aim of this website was to give a bit more authenticity to the business and to allow for growth in the future. I did the hosting, development, and...

Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

I developed this medical website based on a design provided by Studio Luca. I also setup some basic SEO for the website including Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Google My...

UNE SABL Newsletter Blog

UNE’s designer Kass did the design for this website and I developed it. The website is a blog with a custom header, dividers and...

Sydney Private Investigator Website

I worked on this website with Helen Wakefield – Book & Editing Services. She did the hosting setup, project management, content, and copy editing. I did the development and design with input from Helen. I also setup a Google My Business listing for this...

Theater in Education Website

This website is for a small theater in education company. They wanted to display their humor for kids but also appeal to the adults who would be booking their shows. The website includes a summary of each of their current shows as well as reviews and a gallery of...